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Work From Home? Do This To Minimize Your Expenses

It’s no secret that you can save money by working at home, but you’ll still need to follow some tips to ensure your costs stay as low as possible.

Many people started working from home not by choice, but because the coronavirus appeared. Social distancing became necessary, and rather than shutting down altogether, companies told their employees to work from home versus at the office.

If you made this move, you probably noticed that working from home allows you to get the same amount of work done as at the office. Companies have noticed this too, making such an arrangement the wave of the future.

What makes working from home ideal? First, you get more control over your schedule. Second, you can take care of your kids, avoiding the need for expensive childcare. Third, there’s no need to waste on transportation costs, since your office is right there. And fourth, you can cut back on food costs by avoiding restaurant lunches with your coworkers.

What’s the drawback of working from home? Some say it’s hard to stay disciplined or fight off distractions. But for the purpose of this article, we’ll tackle the drawback of costs you incur by having a home office, as electricity and other expenses will be coming out of your pocket.

Know Where To Find Cheap Furniture

If the shift to working at home was abrupt, you’ll probably need to buy some furniture so you can work properly. Sure, you could work on the couch or even in your bed, but that could make your productivity suffer.

Whether you need a desk, office chair, or some other equipment, buy it used online for significant savings. On a local level, you can try garage sales and second-hand stores. Even better, try Craigslist. It has a free section where people give away stuff they no longer need, and it’s usually littered with perfectly good furniture. All you need to do is pick it up, and it’s yours at no cost.

Look for Office Supply Sales

When you see a sale on office supplies, stock up. Buying in bulk almost always leads to savings, and you won’t have to worry about picking up those supplies any time soon.

Cut Your Printing Costs

Chances are, you’ll need a printer. A laser printer might be your best bet for long-term savings, so look into one. Once you have it, set your default printing to black and white draft. It’ll save a ton versus color printing that probably isn’t necessary.

Refill your print cartridges, and you’ll greatly reduce your printing costs. Get your refill packs from a discount store online for even more savings.

Avoid Temptations To Buy Prepped Food

Whether it’s an overpriced coffee or a sandwich from your favorite lunch spot, try to cook at home as much as possible. You’d be surprised at how much you can save by taking the time to make your own food instead of having someone else do it.

Save on Electricity

Open the blinds and use natural light to work. Turn off lights and appliances or devices when you’re not using them. If you leave your house, turn down the thermostat. All of these tips can save money, which is a must since you’re no longer using your boss’s electricity.