Section 8 Assist

If You Need Food Now, This Will Help You Get It

Although this site’s name may suggest it’s all about housing, we offer help with another major necessity: Food. If you’re concerned about how you’ll keep your family fed, here are some resources to help ease that fear.

We all need a roof over our heads, but one thing we need even more is food. Without it, we’ll starve and perish, which is why knowing where your next meal will come from is so essential.

Although many take a full fridge for granted, others aren’t so lucky. And while you could call on friends or family for help with filling your stomach, there are better ways to ensure you eat not only now, but also well into the future.

Here are some guides that discuss those stomach-filling ways:

12 Ways the USDA Can Help Put Food On Your Table

As you start searching for food assistance, you’ll probably become familiar with the “USDA.” What is it? The U.S. Department of Agriculture, and it’s in charge of offering food assistance via many programs.

Sure, you may have heard of food stamps before or even WIC. But did you know that the USDA offers 12 programs that offer nutritional help to those who need it most?

They sure do, and you can get the lowdown on those programs by going here: 12 Ways the USDA Can Help Put Food On Your Table.

How To Use The Website For COVID-19 Food Assistance

You may have never had issues with putting food on the table before, but once COVID-19 hit the scene, an empty kitchen may have become your reality. If that’s the case, there’s no need to feel bad about it, as you’re certainly not alone. But instead of dwelling on the issue, there’s one site that can help you fix it by linking you to the right food assistance for your needs. is the official website of the U.S. government. You can use it for many things, but it’s particularly helpful with finding food help, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

There are several ways to use to get what you’re looking for. This article explains them all until things get back to normal: How To Use The Website For COVID-19 Food Assistance.

See If You’re Eligible For Free Food From The WIC Program

We mentioned WIC before, as it’s one of the most popular food assistance programs out there. It helps pregnant women and those with very young children stay fed, but how do you become eligible?

You’ll find that out at the following link, which will discuss the eligibility process and what to do next to see if you qualify: See If You’re Eligible For Free Food From The WIC Program.

4 Food Assistance Options for Babies, Young Children, And Women

Can WIC make life a lot easier in terms of food if you’re pregnant or a mother of young kids? Sure, but it’s not the only way to find food assistance if you fit into those categories.

See more of what the USDA has in store by going here: 4 Food Assistance Options for Babies, Young Children, And Women.