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Work From Home With These Online Chat Jobs

An online chat job can help you work from home. Here are some companies that tend to hire for such positions.

What is the ideal job for someone who has small kids, doesn’t have a private workspace, and doesn’t want to talk on the phone? The answer is an online chat job, as it lets you provide customer service without having to worry about background noise or a lack of privacy.

Chances are, you’ve used an online chat worker while shopping on a website. Here’s how to become one so you can supplement your income without leaving the comfort of your couch.

Companies That Hire Online Chat Workers


Would you like to work for a Fortune 500 brand while still taking care of your kids at home? Work with Arise, and you can do so, as they hire online chat reps for some of the biggest brands in the world.


One way to find online chat jobs is to visit individual companies like those you’ll see in this list. Another is visiting job boards and searching for online chat work, which you can do on Indeed.


You can use Upwork to search for online chat jobs or have companies contact you directly. You’ll need to create a profile listing your skills or the work you’re seeking, but it’s well worth it.

Besides finding online chat work on Upwork, you can also find jobs in many other departments to help you become a full-time freelancer from home.


Another job board that many use to find online chat jobs is SimplyHired. Use it to find work as an online customer service agent or any other work-from-home job you’re interested in.


If you want more stable work and want a full-time income, Concentrix may be what you’re looking for. The company not only offers full-time income, but benefits too. As for what you’ll be doing, that can be either working in customer service or tech support.

SiteStaff Chat

Multitasking is the top skill sought at SiteStaff Chat. In short, the company wants people who can handle multiple chats at the same time. Even if you’ve never done it formally before, chatting with multiple friends simultaneously could get you in the door here.

Live Person

It doesn’t take much investigative work to figure out that Live Person specializes in offering chat support to websites. Worth with this company, and you’ll find yourself providing support to a wide variety of companies across the globe.

The best-paying job on Live Person is as a content expert. But as long as you can deal with people, you can find an opportunity doing online chat via text, Facebook Messenger, etc.


Would you like to get paid to interact with others on social media? How about making money as a moderator for an online forum? Both are work-from-home opportunities via ModSquad, so give their site a look and see if you can get hired.