Section 8 Assist

Section 8 Is Slow, Unless You Make These Moves

Unless you have a ton of patience, you’ll find the process of getting a Section 8 housing voucher to be way too slow for your needs. Make these moves, and you can get that voucher quicker.

Imagine waiting 10 years to finally get affordable rent that fits your budget and lets you save for other purposes. Could you do it? Probably not, as it’s likely that you need such financial assistance right now.

Unfortunately, some Section 8 applicants claim they were told it would be a 10-year wait to get a housing voucher. Why? Because the demand is that high, while the supply is low.

Why is the demand for Section 8 so high? Because if you get a voucher, you’ll only have to pay 30 percent of your income towards the rent. The government will pay the rest directly to your landlord, which can help you stack cash for other things like an emergency fund or paying down debt.

Does this mean applying for Section 8 is a waste of time? Not at all, so if you haven’t applied yet, get the ball rolling by going here and contacting your closest PHA. And once you apply, follow these tips to speed up the process.

How To Get A Housing Voucher Quicker

Don’t forget to mention any preferences that apply to your situation.

Are you homeless or a victim of domestic violence? Do you live in substandard housing? Do you pay over half your income towards rent? Has your family been affected by a natural disaster? If so, any of those preferences can move you up the Section 8 waitlist quicker. Be sure to ask your PHA what their waitlist preferences are so you can see if any apply.

Check your status frequently.

Once you get approved for Section 8 and are placed on a waitlist, don’t be afraid to frequently contact your PHA to see your status. In doing so, you’ll know if you were mistakenly removed from the waitlist or if you can look forward to a voucher soon.

Get notifications, if possible.

Some PHAs offer text notifications regarding waitlists, status updates, and more. If this is an option, sign up for it, so you know where you stand.

Don’t just contact one PHA.

The more contacts you make in affordable housing, the better. Use the link above to contact as many PHAs as you can. Ask them about their processes, waitlists, etc., so you can see how they differ and pick ones that fit your needs.

Don’t count on a single waitlist.

Waitlists open and close all the time. And some are quicker than others. For this reason, apply to as many waitlists as possible so you can increase your chances of getting a voucher quicker. With an average of nearly 50 waitlists in large cities and 10 in smaller ones, you’re bound to strike gold at least once.

Apply to buildings directly.

If you find that Section 8 is way too slow, this method may be just what the doctor ordered. Contact affordable housing buildings directly and see if they require vouchers. Ask if they have units that charge 30 percent of the rent. If so, you could move in without needing a voucher, while still paying low rent.

How can you find such buildings? Google affordable housing in your city, use this map, or ask your PHA for a list of contacts.