Section 8 Assist

Section 8 Assist’s Most Read Articles Of 2020

Have you glanced over our most popular articles of 2020?

Doing so could have saved you a ton of money in the past year or boosted your income, as they did for several Section 8 Assist readers.

2020 is now a thing of the past. Do you miss it? Probably not, as you’re hoping that a new year leads to better circumstances.

What can improve your circumstances? Following some of the tips shared in Section 8 Assist’s most-read articles of 2020, which are listed below.


As many found it difficult to pay their landlords, it seems as if Section 8 popped into their minds. 

Why? Because a Section 8 voucher can make rent much more affordable.

We heard our readers’ requests and responded with several Section 8 pieces that got many hits, along with one that was centered on seniors:

Financial Help

You shouldn’t feel bad or embarrassed if you needed financial help in 2020, as many were in the same boat. And whether it’s COVID-19 that put a strain on your budget or something else, here are some guides that could have helped and could still help, should you need it:

Benefits Assistance

If the staff at Section 8 Assist had to pick one topic that many people needed help with in the past year, it’s food assistance. After all, we all need food to survive, and the job and income loss in 2020 made it a lot harder to give our families the nutrition they need.

As you can see below, many of our most popular pieces in the benefits department were centered on food, as well as one on healthcare.

Work From Home

If you looked for new ways to boost your income, the thought of working from home probably crossed your mind. Read one of our popular articles below, and you can convert that thought into actual income, or you can also learn how to advance your career.