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Proof That You Don’t Need Coupons To Save Money On Food

You could cut coupons to save cash on food. Or you could follow these super simple tips to achieve the same goal.

Change the Way You Look at Dinner

For some reason, society has taught us that dinner has to be formal and expensive every night of the week. That simply isn’t true, especially if you’re on a budget, which is why you should change how you look at dinner to start saving.

Here are some ways to achieve this goal:

  • Make breakfast for dinner, as your morning meals are usually a lot more economical.
  • Eat appetizers for dinner.
  • Aim for three-ingredient recipes that cost less and are easier to make.
  • Look for meatless meals that cut your per-dinner costs by eliminating pricy meats.
  • Use your leftovers to create new meals.

When you start implementing those tips at dinner, you should see a significant increase in your bottom line. Not only will they save you money, but they’ll save you time and stress as well.

Plan Your Meals

It’s a lot easier to stick to a limited budget when you plan your meals. Doing so keeps you from straying from a list and making expensive impulse purchases. It also saves you from eating out because you don’t know what to make.

If meal planning seems too time-consuming, invest in a plan. What the plan costs upfront will be more than worth it with the time and money you save in the long run.

Clean Out Your Pantry

When we say, “Clean out your pantry,” we don’t mean you should toss things out and buy new ones. Instead, we’re suggesting you use whatever you have in your kitchen and don’t shop until it’s gone.

If you need tips on how to do this, look up the “pantry challenge” that works wonders at cleaning out your kitchen and saving money.

Never Enter the Store Without a List

As simple as it sounds, shopping with a list will save you tons of money as long as you stick to this rule: If it’s not on the list, don’t buy it.

Never Shop When You’re Hungry

Your impulse purchases will skyrocket if you shop when you’re starving, so eat something beforehand.

Compare Grocery Prices

If you want to see who has the lowest prices, use an app like Instacart to compare them.

Enroll in Loyalty Programs

Many large grocery store chains have loyalty programs with incentives to keep you coming back. Sign up for these programs to get instant savings at checkout.

Use This Simple Method to Save

An excellent strategy to use when grocery shopping is to:

  1. Shop for your staples first (eggs, meat, veggies, etc.)
  2. Shop for sales items next.

When shopping for sales items, only pick up things that mesh with your meal plan.

Avoid the Middle Aisles

Speaking of staples, you can find necessities and the healthiest foods on the perimeter of the store. What’s found in the middle aisles? Processed comfort foods that are pricey and not so ideal for your health.

If It’s at Eye Level, Skip It

Grocery stores tend to stock the most expensive items at eye level. Look up and down for better deals.

Pick Generic Over Brand Names

You may be skeptical of this tip due to quality. To give it a try, buy one generic item on your next trip and compare it to the brand name. Once you see there’s little difference, you can keep going generic to save money.

Go Frozen Over Fresh

Frozen foods like fruits and veggies last longer and tend to be cheaper.

Shop Without Your Kids

If you can get someone to take care of your kids while you shop, do it. Kids can fill your cart with unnecessary and expensive items.