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Need Easy College Cash? Try These Grants And Scholarships

Have you put off looking for college cash because you think it’s too difficult to obtain?

Well, if you apply for these grants and scholarships, you’ll find that funding your degree dreams can be a lot easier than you ever imagined.

If you think you lack money for school, think again. Sure, you may not have thousands of bucks saved up in your bank account to pay for tuition, but there are outside resources that can give you the funding you need.

Are grants and scholarships hard to get? Not really, as long as you know which ones to apply for. Some may take a bit more work to secure, but we’ve made sure to avoid those in this quick guide. How? By making a list of grants and scholarships that you can apply for without writing lengthy or complicated essays.

Grants From The Federal Government

Anyone seeking cash for college should start by applying for federal student aid. How do you do that? By filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

As for why this should be your first move, that’s because it opens the door for funding via grants from Uncle Sam, plus cash from schools you’re interested in. With your FAFSA complete, you can get in line for Pell Grants and other federal student aid that can pay for various school-related expenses. And with that submitted, you can start looking at other funding sources for your degree.

What makes federal college grants “easy” to get? Beyond the fact that filling out your FAFSA is free and simple, these grants are usually based on financial need versus merit. So if you feel like you can’t compete with other applicants due to grades or other reasons, you won’t have to. As long as you can show that you need financial help to pay for school, you should be good to go.

Grants From Your State

Another great source of easy college cash is your state. You can find state-sponsored college grants here that can be easier to secure than competitive scholarships. As long as you can prove residency in your state and financial need, you could get college funding without having to jump through a bunch of hoops.

Grants For Certain Students

Did you know that you could get a college grant for simply being who you are? It’s true, as there are grants for:

  • Women
  • Single parents
  • Minorities
  • Adult students going back to school
  • Disable students
  • Students with breast cancer, diabetes, or other medical conditions
  • And more…

Do a quick Google search for grants like those, and you’re bound to find something that could put extra college cash in your pocket.

No-Essay Scholarships

Many scholarships require essays as part of their application process. Here are some examples of scholarships that you can apply for without having to write a thing:

  • Nitro Scholarship – Get $2,000 by filling out a form that tells where you’re going to school and your graduation date.
  • – Complete random tasks like donating prom outfits or registering friends to vote to get $1,000 or more in scholarship money.