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Buried In Credit Card Debt? Do This

Is your credit card debt out of control?

Getting it under control on your own can be tricky, which is why you should rely on the experts at these free or low-cost counseling services instead.

As if it wasn’t bad enough balancing a budget with sky-high rent, food, and utility costs, you may also have to worry about maxed-out or past-due credit cards and the aggressive debt collectors that come with them. Unfortunately, your credit card debt won’t go away on its own, but you can use the following companies to make it much more manageable until you pay it off completely.

Nonprofits That Offer Credit Counseling

Before we jump into a list of credit card counseling organizations, let’s discuss what you can do on your own to keep your debt from spiraling out of control. If your payments are past due and late fees are piling up, your best bet is to contact your credit card issuer. You’re not the first to do this, and you won’t be the last, so don’t feel shy about making that call.

With the issuer on the phone, be direct yet polite and let them know why you’re unable to pay your credit card bill on time. Did you lose your job? Were your hours cut, causing your income to decrease? Did you have some sort of medical mishap? Regardless of the reason, let them know the truth and how you plan to fix it so they’ll be more willing to work with you.

Should the issuer respond positively, you could enjoy waived late fees that reduce your overall debt. You could also get a lower payment that doesn’t take a massive chunk out of your monthly budget.

If you feel overwhelmed about talking to credit card companies and would like expert advice, contact the following nonprofits that specialize in financial counseling:

National Foundation for Credit Counseling

If you’re worried about getting scammed and want a reputable company to work with, you can’t go wrong with the NFCC. They’re the largest and longest-running financial counseling nonprofit organization, so you’ll be in good hands here.

As for what an NFCC counselor can help you achieve, there are several possible benefits that come with a debt management plan. For starters, you can get those aggressive debt collectors off your back, so they stop calling every five minutes. You can reduce your interest rates to make your debt more manageable and pay it off faster. And to ensure your financial future is bright and you don’t run into similar problems, you can get educated on pitfalls to avoid.


Here’s another nonprofit option for credit card counseling. And while GreenPath can work wonders with lowering your interest rates and helping you pay off credit card debt quickly, they can also offer assistance via HUD-certified counselors. In other words, if you’re having rent or mortgage problems, you can get help with them here as well.

Take Charge America

Would you like to put a stop to collection calls, get rid of late fees and high interest rates, lower your payment, and pay off your debt within an average of three to five years?
Then give Take Charge America a call.