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12 Things You Should Know About The American Families Plan

President Biden’s recently announced American Families Plan makes a ton of promises.

Here’s a summary of its primary promises that could improve your everyday life and your children’s future.

1. Pre-school for three and four-year-olds would be free.

An investment of $200 billion is proposed to make universal preschool free for all three and four-year-olds. If approved, this would provide early schooling for five million kids while saving the average family a whopping $13,000.

Beyond being free, an emphasis would be placed on quality via supportive classroom environments and low student-to-teacher ratios.

2. College students will have incentives to graduate in early childhood education.

To ensure staffing of universal preschool, the American Families Plan will offer incentives for anyone interested in becoming an early childhood educator. These incentives would include free community college, training, competitive wages, and professional development services.

3. Two years of community college would be free.

To address a decline in college enrollment, the American Families Plan would offer two years of free community college to everyone, including DREAMERs. Students would have up to four years to complete their studies. This $109 billion plan would help 5.5 million students earn a degree or credential to expand their employment opportunities.

4. Pell Grants would increase by $1,400.

Pell Grants have seen their value drop over the last 50 years. They no longer cover expenses as they used to, which is why Biden wants to increase the maximum Pell Grant award by $1,400. DREAMERs would be eligible as well.

5. $62 billion would be invested to improve college retention and completion.

To help students complete their studies, the American Families Plan would tackle low college retention and completion rates via:

  • Remediation programs
  • Transfer agreements between schools
  • Grants for basic needs
  • Child care
  • Mental health services
  • Mentoring services

6. Child care would become more affordable.

Parents would not have to worry as much about the high cost of child care if the American Families Plan gets approved. Child care costs would be covered entirely for families with the most financial need, while others would pay based on their income.

7. The child care workforce would improve.

Early childhood staff would receive a $15 minimum wage, professional development help, and job-embedded coaching.

8. A national paid family and medical leave program would be created.

Workers would receive up to $4,000 per month to take up to twelve weeks to deal with such issues as:

  • Bonding with a new child.
  • Caring for a loved one who’s seriously ill.
  • Healing from their own illness.
  • Dealing with a family member’s military deployment.
  • Dealing with the death of a loved one.

9. Summer Pandemic-EBT would become permanent.

29 million children receiving reduced-price and free meals would get to enjoy the benefits of Summer Pandemic-EBT even when the pandemic is over. This would allow their parents to buy food over the summer when schools are closed.

10. People convicted of drug felonies would be eligible for SNAP.

Once out of prison, previously incarcerated individuals would have the chance to receive food stamps, despite drug convictions.

11. Unemployment insurance would be reformed.

The unemployment insurance system would be modernized to prevent fraud better and offer equitable access, so those who need help can get it faster during tough times.

12. Child Tax Credit increases would be extended through 2025.

Children age six and above would get a Child Tax Credit of $3,000 each, while those under six would get a $3,600 credit.